To find out everything about Noon, It’s here!


Elisa, Elise and Dominique, a family and friendly trio!

We are more than entrepreneurs, we are party explorers and guardians of well-being.

NOON, est bien plus qu’une entreprise, c’est une équipe de rêve :
– Elisa, the pharmacist energy ball
– Elise, the magician of numbers and marketing
– Dominique, the passionate entrepreneur who became a Mentor  

Nous nous sommes unis pour créer la magie NOON et vous permettre de mieux vivre les effets de l’alcool !


Unity is strength !

Hold on tight, because this part of the story is better than a roller coaster safari! NOON wouldn't be the same without our friends Fabrizio and Sabrina.  

After traveling throughout Europe and the world in search of producers who share the same values ​​and as close as possible to us, we found an Italian family of arborists who have been cultivating Nashi for over 40 years! 

NOON is the story of families united by their common love for nature, quality, conviviality and trust. It’s an adventure that begins in France, passes through Italy and is enjoyed all over the world.  


Proximity, responsibility and inclusiveness!

Before becoming NOON, our fruits grow in Italy with all the attention they deserve. We have chosen proximity to help you discover the benefits of Nashi while respecting our values ​​and we also hope, yours: commitments with Fabrizio and Sabrina our arborists, short circuit, respect of our CSR commitments.  
Consuming as close as possible to places of production means choosing a product with a reduced carbon impact and thus encouraging European know-how. 

In addition, we have chosen to entrust our entire supply chain to people with disabilities supervised by professionals

Together, arborists, suppliers and customers, let's be part of an inclusive world where everyone takes their place!  



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